Remold and Shekel, March 2020

This is a paper-making kit that I created in my product design class. The mold and deckle is in the shape of a triangle to make unique shaped paper, and the kit comes with different paper packets so you can create the exact paper you are looking for. Examples of these paper kits are the fiber pack, dark pack, natural pack, and etc. I also created a logo, instruction paper, and instructional ad video to go along with this product.

Sanity Signs, May 2020

This was a piece I made over quarantine to help lighten the mood of the neighborhood. With the increase of people walking on our street, I create signs to advertise what to do if you missed the gym, bars, or needed crafts to stay sane. I appealed to a wide audience by having bar recipes for adults and crafts for kids. 

 The Process


Print Making


Glitch Art